Monday, June 24, 2024 | Online
In honor of the second anniversary of the International Day of Women in Diplomacy, the Permanent Forum of Binational Waters and the Women in Water Diplomacy Network, with partners from the Environmental Law Institute, the Stockholm International Water Institute and the Central Arizona Project will host a special online event bringing our communities together to discuss and elevate the importance of Science Diplomacy in transboundary water cooperation and management.
The Women in Water Diplomacy Network (WWDN) is a community of practice comprised of both formal and informal women decision-makers and experts, representing a wealth of collective experience and expertise in transboundary water management and decision-making engaged in some of the most water insecure regions of the world. The Network is a global community of women water leaders, and male champions supporting gender equality, working collectively to strengthen women’s leadership in transboundary water decision-making supported by the Environmental Law Institute, the Stockholm International Water Institute’s Shared Waters Partnership program, and regional partners. Networks are currently active in the Nile (since 2017), Central Asia-Afghanistan (since 2021); North American (launched in late 2023); the Orange-Senqu and Southern African basin Networks are under development, and most recently a branch in the South Caucasus was initiated. Exploratory discussions are also underway in Latin America. In 2023, the Network commemorated the first anniversary of the newly launched International Women in Diplomacy Day with an event co-convened with partners at the U.S. Institute of Peace. Special thanks to the Central Arizona Project, a proud member of the North American Women in Water Diplomacy Network, for their targeted support to this activity.
The Permanent Forum of Binational Waters is a dynamic network of experts that shares a holistic, socialized and science-based understanding of the binational waters shared by the United States and Mexico. The Forum is a Network of scientists, government officials, non-government organization members, and citizens working to disseminate scientific knowledge and to integrate collaboration efforts across and along the US-Mexico border to strengthen sustainable use of water resources shared by the United States and Mexico. The Women in Science Initiative is part of the core initiatives of the Permanent Forum of Binational Waters. The objective is to highlight the research and work undertaken by women leaders in science working towards the improvement of the resilience of the shared water resources systems between Mexico and the Unites border region.
For further details, including a full agenda and speaker biographies, please reference the event brochure below.