Environmental Liability
- Tropical Conservation and Liability for Environmental Harm (ELR Nov. 2015)
- The Role of Ecosystem Services in USA Natural Resource Liability Litigation (Ecosystem Services Feb. 2018)
Promote Sustainable Management of Water
- Challenges and Opportunities for Aquaculture Co-Management: Lessons Learned from Case Studies (2010)
- Public Participation in the Management of Transboundary Waters: A Handbook (available in draft form)
- Legal Frameworks Governing Water in the Middle East and North Africa (2007, forthcoming)
- Public Participation in the Governance of International Freshwater Resources (UNU Press 2005)
- Enhancing Participation and Governance in Water ResourcesManagement: Conventional Approaches and Information Technology
- The Emergence of Transboundary Environmental Impact Assessment (TEIA) in International Watercourse Management
- An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the International Joint Commission
- Protecting the Gulf of Aqaba: A Regional Environmental Challenge (1993) (out of print)
Management and Conservation of Land and Biodiversity
- African Perspectives on Genetic Resources: A Handbook on Laws, Policies and Institutions (2003)
- Legal Aspects of Forest Management in Mexico (also available in Spanish)
- Legal Tools and Incentives for Private Lands Conservation in Latin America: Building Models for Success
- Pollution Prevention and Mining: A Proposed Framework for the Americas (also available in Spanish)
- Indigenous Peoples and Natural Ecosystems in Central America and Southern Mexico
- Improving Public Participation in the Environmental Impact Assessment Process in Mining (also available in Spanish — Mejorando la Participacion Ciudadana en el Processo de Evaluacion de Impacto Ambiental en Mineria)
- Natural Resource Valuation and Damage Assessment in Nigeria: A Comparative Analysis
- Brazil’s Extractive Reserves: Fundamental Aspects of Their Implementation (also available in Portuguese)
- Prior Informed Consent and Mining: Promoting Sustainable Development of Local Communities
Foster Sustainable Livelihoods
- Harnessing Consumer Power: Using Certification Systems to Promote Good Governance
- Legal Aspects of Forest Management in Mexico (also available in Spanish)
- Final Report: Sustainable Mexican Municipalities Project
- Brazil’s Extractive Reserves: Fundamental Aspects of Their Implementation (also available in Portuguese)
Technologies for Sustainable Development
- Lessons Learned for the Future of Technology Transfer under Multilateral Environmental Agreements (forthcoming)
Other Related International Publications
- Enforcing Hazardous Wastes Rules in India: Strategies and Techniques for Achieving Increased Compliance.
- India 2030: Vision for an Environmental Sustainable Future / Best Practices Analysis of Environmental Protection Authorities in Federal States
- A Toolkit for Environmental Advocacy in Africa
- Constitutional Environmental Law: Giving Force to Fundamental Principles in Africa
- ELI Research Brief #7 — The Greening of Warfare: Developing International Law and Institutions to Limit Environmental Damage During Armed Conflict
- Practical Approaches to Implementing Environmental Laws: Report of an International Roundtable Discussion
- Decentralization of Environmental Protection in Mexico: An Overview of State and Local Laws and Institutions (also available in Spanish)
- Issues Relating to Articles 14 and 15 of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation
- Strengthening U.S.-Mexico Transboundary Environmental Enforcement: Legal Strategies for Preventing the Use of the Border as a Shield Against Liability
- United States-Mexico Transboundary Environmental Enforcement: Workshop Report (also available in Spanish)
- An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the International Joint Commission
- The New Public: The Globalization of Public Participation
- Transparency and Responsiveness: Building a Participatory Process for Activities Implemented Jointly Under the Climate Change Convention
- Indigenous Landscapes: A Study in Ethnocartography
- Environmental Impact Assessment and Public Participation in the Context of Central European Environmental Decision-making: Report of an International Roundtable Discussion