National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

Passed by Congress in 1969 and signed into law on January 1, 1970, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) broke new ground as the first major Federal legislative effort to incorporate environmental considerations into all government decision-making. 42 U.S.C. §§ 4321-4347. NEPA fundamentally altered how lawmakers and regulators approached human impacts on the natural world by requiring federal agencies to prepare Environmental Impact Statements for all major Federal actions significantly affecting the environment.

Sustainable Use of Land in the Chesapeake Bay Region

The Environmental Law Institute works throughout the Chesapeake Bay region to promote new tools that support smart growth and reinvestment across the Bay states. Although the Institute has focused extensively on Pennsylvania and Maryland, we have also engaged in Chesapeake Bay-wide research on smart growth.

Featured Areas of Expertise and Resources:

  • Chesapeake Bay-Wide Smart Growth Research:

Conserving Treasured Landscapes in the Chesapeake: Appendix
James M. McElfish, Jr., Dr. Rebecca Kihslinger, and Michael Ng
Date Released
November 2009
Conserving Treasured Landscapes in the Chesapeake: Appendix

ELI has collaborated with the Friends of the Capt. John Smith Chesapeake Trail, and the National Geographic Society to produce this appendix, along with the special report and map that recommend the development of a bold and coordinated strategy for conserving the Chesapeake’s treasured landscapes and calling for more federal investment in land conservation.

Ten Things Wrong With Sprawl
James M. McElfish, Jr.
Date Released
January 2007
Ten Things Wrong With Sprawl

The U.S. population will grow by over 92 million in the next 35 years. If sprawl development patterns continue to prevail, what are the likely consequences for America, its communities, and its resources? This publication draws on examples from across the country to identify detrimental effects from sprawl development patterns, and to suggest why it is time to pursue changes in law and policy to eliminate the adverse consequences of our current development approach.

Conserving Treasured Landscapes in the Chesapeake: A Special Report
James M. McElfish, Jr., Dr. Rebecca Kihslinger, and Michael Ng
Date Released
November 2009
Conserving Treasured Landscapes in the Chesapeake: A Special Report

ELI has collaborated with the Friends of the Capt. John Smith Chesapeake Trail, and the National Geographic Society to produce this special report, along with an appendix and map, recommending the development of a bold and coordinated strategy for conserving the Chesapeake’s treasured landscapes and calling for more federal investment in land conservation.

Wetlands, Wildlife Habitat, and Flood Hazards in the Cedar River Basin, Iowa
Rebecca L. Kihslinger, David Salvesen, and Eric Thomas
Date Released
February 2013
Wetlands, Wildlife Habitat, and Flood Hazards in the Cedar River Basin, Iowa

The Wetlands, Wildlife Habitat, and Flood Hazards in the Cedar River Basin, Iowa workshop report is the final report of the 2012 Wetlands Wildlife Habitat, and Flood Hazards in the Cedar River Basin Workshop designed to find ways to protect wetlands and wildlife habitat and promote resilience to flooding.

The Nature of Open Space Programs: Linking Land Protection and Biodiversity Conservation
Environmental Law Institute
Date Released
December 2006
The Nature of Open Space Programs: Linking Land Protection and Biodiversity Cons

The conservation of biodiversity supports efforts to ensure the long-term stability of wildlife species and habitats, ecosystems and economies, and public health and welfare. Because the greatest threats to wildlife and biodiversity in the United States are habitat destruction, degradation, and fragmentation, purchasing land outright or protecting it through the acquisition of a conservation easement ensures the protection of lands important for habitat.

Building on the Blueprint: How Virginia's Communities Are Implementing Sustainable Development
Suellen T. Keiner & Nancy Golubiewski, Environmental Law Institute
Date Released
December 1995

This report now provides a follow-up to the Blueprint and reviews the status of various community efforts throughout the Commonwealth to protect natural resources and enhance both economic health and quality of life. Unfortunately, the Virginia Task Force on Sustainable Development concluded its deliberations without making any recommendations about how the Commonwealth can implement sustainable development. Nevertheless, a number of sustainability projects are already under way in Virginia.

Virginia's Economic Incentives: Missed Opportunities for Sustainable Growth
Date Released
February 2001
Virginia's Economic Incentives: Missed Opportunities for Sustainable Growth

This report examines several major economic incentive programs and funds used in the Commonwealth of Virginia to attract new businesses and to support the expansion of existing businesses. Virginia operates a number of programs that provide loans and grants to businesses for economic development and job creation purposes. The programs reviewed in this report provide nearly $30 million per year in government support to businesses.