Conservation Thresholds for Land Use Planners
Environmental Law Institute
Date Released
December 2003
Conservation Thresholds for Land Use Planners

Conservation Thresholds for Land Use Planners provides a review and synthesis of information from the most up-to-date scientific literature to provide basic thresholds to land use planners to rely upon when making decisions affecting biodiversity. With more than 1,400 papers and abstracts reviewed for the project and a total of 160 papers selected for inclusion in the review, the report covers conservation thresholds on habitat patch area, percent suitable habitat, edge effects, riparian buffers, and corridors.

A Guidebook for Brownfield Property Owners
Linda Breggin, Environmental Law Institute
Date Released
December 1999
A Guidebook for Brownfield Property Owners

This report explains the process, problems, and rewards of redeveloping brown-fields. Chapter 1 answers key questions about brownfields and discusses some of the reasons that property owners should consider cleaning up and redeveloping their brownfield proper-ties. The following chapters of the guidebook explain the brownfield cleanup and redevelopment process and the issues that property owners may need to address.