Bernard Goldstein, M.D. - University of Cologne
University of Cologne
Current Issue

It’s not the material injected underground to release shale gas — it’s the dangerous fluid and gases that come back to the surface. The lost opportunity to perform a thorough evaluation of the potential adverse health consequences of fracking has hurt the industry.

Climate Canaries
Barry E. Hill - Vermont Law School
Caitlin O'Sullivan -
Vermont Law School
Current Issue

The people of Bangladesh are already suffering from the effects of global warming, serving as an early-warning indicator of its ultimate imprint on humanity as a whole. But for right now, the developed world owes the poor countries assistance in their struggle.

Opportunities for Advancing Environmental Justice: An Analysis of U.S. EPA Statutory Authorities
Tobie Bernstein, Environmental Law Institute
Date Released
November 2001
Opportunities for Advancing Environmental Justice: An Analysis of U.S. EPA Statu

Environmental justice embodies a goal of achieving healthy, sustainable communities for all people. As part of this goal, environmental justice calls for equal protection for all people under the nation’s environmental laws.

Community Environmental Health Assessment Workbook: A Guide to Evaluating Your Community's Health and Finding Ways to Improve It
Paul Locke, Suellen T. Keiner & Devon Payne-Sturges, Environmental Law Institute
Date Released
December 2000

This Workbook will help community leaders, local organizers, and citizens groups assess environmental health problems in their neighborhoods and assist them in tackling these problems. It outlines an approach to identifying problems, gathering information, and establishing the community`s priorities for improving the environmental health of its residents. Examples for Washington, D.C. serve as illustrations and possible examples. Residents of other cities and localities can find equivalent resources and data within their own communities.

Building Capacity to Participate in Environmental Protection Agency Activities: A Needs Assessment and Analysis
Linda Breggin & Heidi Hallman, Environmental Law Institute
Date Released
December 1999
Building Capacity to Participate in Environmental Protection Agency Activities:

This report examines and identifies approaches to building the capacity of communities to participate in the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) decision-making processes. The focus of this study was on individual citizens and local non-profit groups within communities that may be interested in or affected by EPA activities. Capacity was defined as the ability of a community to participate effectively in EPA activities and decision-making.

A Citizen's Guide to Using Federal Environmental Laws to Secure Environmental Justice
Linda Breggin, Environmental Law Institute
Date Released
April 2002
A Citizen's Guide to Using Federal Environmental Laws to Secure Environmental Ju

Countless independent studies have concluded that communities of color and low-income communities are disproportionately exposed to environmental harms and risks. This handbook has been written with these unique environmental justice concerns in mind. It highlights sections of environmental laws that can be used to support and help advance your environmental justice goals.