EJ, Climate Change Procedures Result in CEQ NEPA Controversy
David P. Clarke - Writer & Editor
Writer & Editor
Current Issue
David P. Clarke

Immediately upon assuming office in 2021, President Joe Biden declared a “whole of government” commitment to tackling climate change and environmental justice. Now, with the White House Council on Environmental Quality’s proposed rules placing Biden’s commitment at the center of National Environmental Policy Act reviews, environmentalists and Democratic lawmakers have voiced strong support.

But equally strong opposition has come from 17 governors and Republican members of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, among others, ensuring that administration attempts to advance climate and EJ policies through CEQ will face pushback.

The disagreement centers on whether NEPA is a “purely procedural statute.” CEQ acknowledges that view as “correct,” but nevertheless proposes removing NEPA-is-procedural language from the regulations because the council considers such a view of the law’s purpose “inappropriately narrow” and a limitation that minimizes its vision. Lawmakers enacted an “ambitious and visionary national policy” aimed at promoting environmental protection for present and future generations, CEQ states.

The council proposes a new requirement for the environmental documents created during NEPA reviews. When considering alternatives, project reviewers must explicitly identify “environmentally preferable” alternatives, defined as those that would maximize environmental benefits, such as addressing climate change or minimizing effects on EJ communities.

Applauding CEQ’s proposal, the Natural Resources Defense Council, National Audubon Society, and several EJ advocacy groups state that, while NEPA is “procedural in nature,” procedure and substance are “integrally connected.” NEPA’s procedures aim to fully investigate a project’s environmental impacts toward the substantive goal of creating and maintaining conditions that will allow current and later generations to exist in “productive harmony” with nature, the groups argue. They “strongly support” CEQ’s proposal to restore and strengthen a requirement for federal agencies to consider a “reasonable range of alternatives” to a project to lessen climate and EJ impacts.

In a letter to CEQ Chair Brenda Mallory, more than 80 Democratic House members and 11 senators also extol the proposal, asserting that climate and EJ considerations are urgently needed and are “consistent with CEQ’s regulatory authority.” Climate change effects are environmental effects, but despite a “clear obligation” to robustly analyze climate issues, some federal agencies conduct “little or no” analysis, they write. While offering their support for the changes, the Democratic attorneys general of 20 states and the District of Columbia urge “strengthening” certain provisions—for example, the analysis of cumulative effects on communities with EJ concerns and of climate change effects at specific points during NEPA reviews.

In contrast, GOP senators in their own letter to Mallory accuse CEQ of willfully misinterpreting bipartisan reforms adopted in the 2023 Fiscal Responsibility Act, which included the “most substantive” NEPA amendments since the law’s enactment. FRA reforms were intended to streamline an “overcomplicated, needlessly burdensome” NEPA environmental review process. But, instead, CEQ has added more uncertainty and potential legal liability into an “already labyrinthine process,” and has undermined and politicized the FRA’s agreed-upon revisions, the senators write.

Likewise, 17 GOP governors opposing CEQ’s proposal assert it will “undermine” several laudable FRA reforms and will undo the Trump administration’s 2020 NEPA rule, which was designed to increase the process’s efficiency and effectiveness. The rule made no mention of EJ. CEQ’s proposal will decrease efficiency and “drastically” increase the potential for NEPA litigation, the governors concur, and reject CEQ’s proposal to eliminate language describing NEPA as a purely procedural statute, noting that CEQ admits that the description is “accurate.”

Alaska’s Department of Natural Resources in its comments expresses general support for the proposal, but cautions that given the litigious nature of federal permitting, it is “of utmost importance” to avoid ambiguity or “additional process” that enables project opponents to make viable projects “economically unfeasible” through costly litigation and delays. The state emphasizes that NEPA must remain a purely procedural statute and opposes CEQ’s proposal to “recast” NEPA as “the primary regulatory mechanism” for advancing substantive EJ and climate goals. It is “inherently inappropriate” to include substantive requirements in NEPA, and the FRA reforms did not give CEQ any mandate that CEQ could “interpret or clarify” regarding those issues, Alaska’s letter argues.

Lawyers tracking CEQ’s proposal say that, going forward, litigation will undoubtedly focus on the adequacy of EJ and climate change analyses.

EJ, Climate Change Procedures Result in CEQ NEPA Controversy.

D.C. Circuit Reaches Different Results on NEPA and GHG Rules
Ethan Shenkman - Arnold & Porter
Arnold & Porter
Current Issue
Ethan Shenkman

Readers of this column are well familiar with the roller coaster ride that environmental practitioners have been recently experiencing at the intersection of energy, climate, and NEPA, the National Environmental Policy Act. Nowhere is this more evident than in a pair of recent D.C. Circuit rulings on the scope of direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions that must be analyzed in the context of energy infrastructure projects.

In Center for Biological Diversity v. FERC, the Alaska Gasline Development Corporation received authorization to build a system of natural gas facilities, including an 800-mile pipeline bisecting Alaska from the North Slope to Cook Inlet and new liquefied natural gas facilities for exports. The D.C. Circuit affirmed FERC’s decision, rejecting challenges to its analysis of the GHG-related impacts of the project.

First, the appeals court ruled that FERC was not required to analyze the indirect, downstream GHG emissions associated with the combustion of natural gas in the countries of destination. It reasoned that the Department of Energy, as opposed to FERC, has exclusive jurisdiction over approvals of natural gas exports, and therefore the commission does not have authority over, and therefore need not address the effects of, the anticipated exports. “FERC properly recognized the limits of its delegated statutory authority,” the court reasoned, “and cabined its NEPA analysis accordingly.” Moreover, it explained, an agency need only consider a project’s “reasonably foreseeable” effects, and here the “indirect emissions are not reasonably foreseeable if the commission cannot identify the end users of the gas.”

Second, for the GHG emissions that FERC did account for, the court held it was sufficient to compare anticipated emissions with state and national GHG emissions inventories, and that the commission was under no obligation to apply the Social Cost of Carbon metric to derive a monetary estimate of potential climate change impacts. The court agreed that applying the SCC would lead to confusion rather than clarity, given “the lack of consensus about how to apply the Social Cost of Carbon on a long time horizon,” and the fact that the metric “places a dollar value on carbon emissions but does not measure environmental impacts as such.”

But the story does not end there. Several months later, in Eagle County v. Surface Transportation Board, a different panel of D.C. Circuit judges set aside a decision by the STB to approve a new 80-mile rail line in Utah to connect the Uinta Basin to a national rail network. The new line’s primary purpose would be to transport waxy crude oil to refineries in Houston, Port Arthur, or to the Louisiana Gulf Coast. The court vacated the STB’s order on the grounds, among others, that the environmental impact statement improperly ignored certain upstream and downstream GHG impacts.

The appeals court acknowledged that impacts from upstream energy production and downstream combustion are not always “a reasonably foreseeable effect of a project.” However, in this context, the court rejected the board’s excuses for declining to analyze upstream and downstream combustion emissions—that additional oil development and the ultimate destination of the oil were unknown. While an agency “need not foresee the unforeseeable,” it reasoned, “by the same token neither can it avoid” its obligations under NEPA “simply because describing the environmental effects of and alternatives to particular agency action involves some degree of forecasting.”

The court also rejected the board’s argument that it had no obligation to consider the downstream impacts of oil refining on Gulf Coast communities based on a lack of authority to regulate such impacts. The court found that the STB “has authority to deny an exemption to a railway project on the ground that the railway’s anticipated environmental and other costs outweigh its expected benefits,” so the board’s lack of jurisdiction over refining activity was irrelevant.

Is this pair of cases reconcilable? The second panel thought so. In an attempt to distinguish the cases, the three judges highlighted the numerous uncertainties in FERC’s decision and found “there are no such uncertainties” in STB’s decision. Whether private practitioners and government lawyers will find the D.C. Circuit’s explanation helpful, as they advise their clients moving forward, is another story.

As for the court’s holding that agencies are under no obligation to apply the SCC metric as part of their NEPA analysis? As this column went to press, President Biden issued an announcement that he will henceforth be “directing agencies to consider the [SCC] in environmental reviews conducted pursuant to [NEPA] as appropriate.” How the government grapples with these distinctions will be closely watched.

How the government grapples with these two decisions will be closely watched.

D.C. Circuit Reaches Different Results on NEPA and GHG Rules

CEQ’s Climate Guidance Walks a Tightrope on the Energy Transition
Ethan Shenkman - Arnold & Porter
Arnold & Porter
Current Issue
Ethan Shenkman

In its long-awaited guidance on the National Environmental Policy Act and climate change, the Council on Environmental Quality opens by warning that “the United States faces a profound climate crisis and there is little time left.” But in other contexts, the administration acknowledges that addressing the climate crisis will require massive investments in new infrastructure to facilitate the transition to a lower carbon energy system. And many stakeholders believe that one of the primary obstacles to this energy transition is a slow, balkanized, and inefficient environmental review and permitting process. Practitioners are busy sorting out whether CEQ’s new guidance will help or hinder this infrastructure build-out.

The new interim guidance, issued January 2023, instructs agencies on how to analyze green-house gas emissions and climate change impacts under NEPA. CEQ opened a comment period, where it will consider suggested modifications, but the guidance is effective immediately. It will apply to all future projects, but not to projects approved in the past, and agencies have discretion with respect to currently pending decisions.

The purpose of the guidance is to improve consistency across federal agencies, as they grapple with the difficult questions that have arisen in analyzing and disclosing the climate change-related impacts (and benefits) of federal agency permitting and funding decisions. It addresses many hot button questions.

For example, when should agencies quantify the GHG emissions associated with a project? Unlike previous guidance, which gave agencies discretion, CEQ now recommends that agencies should routinely quantify the direct and indirect GHG emissions of the proposed action and any reasonable alternatives, including the no-action alternative. It explains further that agencies should disclose both “gross” and “net” GHG emissions.

What is the scope of the GHG analysis? The new guidance clarifies that indirect emissions include both upstream and downstream emissions, and recommends that analysis of fossil fuel projects should include all downstream GHG emissions.

What role should the Social Cost of GHG play in NEPA review? The SC-GHG is a metric for monetizing the climate change-related societal impacts of GHG emissions on a dollar-per-ton basis. Unlike previous guidance, which opined that the SC-GHG is not appropriate in NEPA, or left this issue to agency discretion, CEQ now encourages agencies to use the SC-GHG “in most circumstances.”

May agencies rely on economic “substitution analysis” in assessing energy projects? CEQ supports the use of such tools—albeit with certain caveats—through which agencies assess how increasing the supply of a particular energy resource could affect availability and use of other energy resources. This can happen when one energy source produces GHG emissions, but will displace a higher-emitting source in the market.

Is there a numeric threshold for “significance”? CEQ did not provide a bright line rule for when a project is considered to have significant impacts. Instead, the council encourages agencies to explain the significance of anticipated GHG emissions by providing contextual comparisons. For example, agencies may explain how the proposed action and alternatives will help meet or detract from governmental and international climate goals.

The guidance also encourage agencies to “mitigate GHG emissions to the greatest extent possible”; clarifies that agencies can use programmatic NEPA analyses to facilitate more efficient project-specific reviews; and, importantly, instructs agencies to consider the nexus between climate impacts and environmental justice.

CEQ seems to acknowledge the need for streamlining projects necessary to the energy transition by suggesting that a detailed analysis of lifetime GHG emissions is not required for projects that principally serve to reduce emissions or that will result in a net reduction, with only short-term or minor increases—citing offshore wind as an example. But CEQ only scratches the surface of the energy transformation envisioned by the administration—and by Congress in the Inflation Reduction Act—which will require massive investments in electric vehicles, hydrogen hubs, carbon capture and sequestration sites, sustainable aviation fuel and other biofuels, renewable natural gas, geothermal energy, and more.

Developing these clean energy technologies at scale will require vast new networks of transmission lines and pipelines, not to mention electric charging stations, biofuel delivery infrastructure, expansion of public transportation, development of battery and other energy storage systems, and the mining of critical minerals.

Practitioners will be awaiting “Phase Two” of CEQ’s proposed changes to its NEPA regulations to see if these issues will be addressed further.

CEQ’s Climate Guidance Walks a Tightrope on the Energy Transition.

Is It the Law or Us? We Must Do Better
Sharon Buccino - Natural Resources Defense Council
Natural Resources Defense Council
Current Issue
Parent Article

Flooding is increasing, while in many parts of the country water is scarce and becoming scarcer. Heat waves are growing more intense and more frequent. So are wildfires. All these adverse trends can be tied to climate change triggered by human-induced warming. We know we need to act—and to act quickly.

Where We Need to Go: Fighting climate change by cutting carbon pollution and expanding clean energy is the best way to build a better world for our communities and for generations to come. A clean energy future can create jobs. It can improve public health. It can diversify local economies.

To avoid the most catastrophic impacts of climate change, we must end our dependence on fossil energy. While oil, coal, and natural gas have served us well for many generations, they do not anymore. We do not have to—and cannot—stop using fossil fuels overnight. However, we must make investments for the future in other sources of energy. The Natural Resources Defense Council has laid out a pathway to a safer climate future. Like most other pathways, NRDC’s proposal calls for a dramatic increase in wind and solar power generation, as well as new transmission lines to deliver the power to where it is needed.

How We Get There: We need to build a lot and we need to build it fast. But how we build matters and some of our core environmental laws can help us build well. Take NEPA—the National Environmental Policy Act, signed into law by President Nixon in 1970. It requires the federal government to assess the environmental impacts of a proposed action before taking it. More than an environmental law, NEPA provides a foundation for democracy. NEPA requires federal agencies to cooperate “with state and local governments, and other concerned public and private organizations.”

Some blame NEPA for getting in the way of building the infrastructure the nation needs. The law, however, is not the problem. We still need what it promises: integration, information, and inclusion.

The problem is in the implementation. We do not need environmental impact statements that spend hundreds of pages covering every possible issue in minute detail. We do need analysis that identifies issues critical to affected communities. This is especially true when these communities are the same ones that have borne environmental burdens in the past, including air pollution, toxic waste, and neglect.

Importantly, the Environmental Justice for All Act, a bill now being considered in the House and the Senate, offers specific ideas about how to involve affected communities efficiently and effectively. It requires notice and outreach to community-based organizations, senior citizen organizations, business associations, public health clinics, and local religious organizations. But agencies do not need new legislation to put these ideas into practice.

NEPA is about the big picture; let’s not lose sight of it. The law speaks of the nation’s commitment “to create and maintain conditions under which man and nature can exist in productive harmony, and fulfill the social, economic, and other requirements of present and future generations of Americans.” Who opposes this?

We have become lost in details. Early environmental impact statements were a few dozen pages long. They were succinct, focused, and even eloquent. It is not the law that needs fixing, but how we use it. The law should be a mechanism to identify tradeoffs and discuss how to make them.

We’ve got to roll up our sleeves at the local level to get projects done. All parties involved need to put the issues on the table early. Agencies need to engage diverse stakeholders through robust and creative public outreach. The Inflation Reduction Act provides some of the resources necessary to do this. Project proponents need to work through key community issues, rather than bulldoze over them. Creative mitigation across a landscape in which a proposed project sits can help. Projects that cause less harm can move quickly.

It’s not the law; it’s us. We can and must do better.

A Time for Triage
Michael B. Gerrard - Columbia Law School
Columbia Law School
Current Issue
A Time for Triage

The world is desperately behind in the energy transformation needed to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. Catching up requires a massive buildout of wind and solar power and associated infrastructure, but in the United States many impediments stand in the way. Among them, ironically enough, are environmental laws. Here I argue that we must accept difficult tradeoffs, sacrificing some of what we consider precious in order to avoid far worse impacts.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says that avoiding catastrophic climate change requires keeping global average temperatures within 1.5 Celsius degrees above pre-industrial levels. In May, the World Meteorological Organization said there is a 50/50 chance that we will hit that level in just five years. We are now at around 1.2 degrees, and we are already seeing record-breaking heat waves, wildfires, droughts, and flooding; every added notch on the thermometer makes things worse.

According to the Climate Action Tracker, if all countries fulfill their latest pledges pursuant to the Paris climate agreement, the world will be between 1.7 and 2.6 degrees hotter by 2100. Unfortunately, many countries—including the United States—are far behind in meeting their pledges, and the actual policies and actions underway would take us to 2.0–3.6 degrees by the end of the century. Especially at the upper end of that range, such an increase would be an unimaginably terrible world, with large areas rendered uninhabitable and billions of people (that’s billions, with a “b”) displaced from their homes and looking for some place, any place, to live.

Every scenario for staying even at a fallback position of 2 degrees at century’s end includes the all-out construction of renewable energy projects, primarily wind and solar. The United States in particular needs a World War II-scale mobilization. That era saw a huge investment in research and development, and a nationwide commitment to meeting defense workforce and production goals.

This renewable energy is needed not only to replace fossil fuels in generating electricity, allowing the country to shut down all of its coal plants and almost all of its natural gas plants. Along with other countries, we also need to electrify transport, heating, buildings, and much of industry. U.S. electricity demand would about double, even after aggressive efforts to improve energy efficiency.

To get all this electricity from where it will be generated to where it is used, we also need a massive expansion of transmission—a tripling or quadrupling in capacity under some scenarios.

One attempt to quantify all of this was undertaken by Princeton University’s Net Zero America project in 2021. It sets forth several scenarios for the United States, of which only one does not rely on a large number of new nuclear power plants along with carbon capture and sequestration to allow continued use of natural gas for electricity. That scenario involves 3,085 gigawatts of wind generating capacity and 2,750 gigawatts of solar. This would require an estimated 4,000 square miles of land for the wind and 21,000 square miles for the solar (though much of this land could simultaneously support agriculture or other commercial or industrial uses). That adds up to about the land area of West Virginia.

The reason so much land is required is power density: it takes one or two orders of magnitude more acreage to produce a given amount of electricity with wind or solar than with coal, natural gas, or nuclear power, even considering the land disturbance to acquire their needed fuel.

Several studies conclude that achieving the needed level of wind and solar requires building on the order of 100 gigawatts a year out to 2050. To put this in perspective, one good-sized nuclear power plant, or a very large wind farm, has a capacity of about 1 gigawatt. So we would have to build the equivalent of around 100 of these every year.

The principal way to reduce the amount of new wind and solar required under these scenarios would be large-scale deployment of technologies that are not yet and might never be at a commercial scale. These include small modular nuclear reactors, fusion power, tidal generators, carbon capture, geothermal, or perhaps other energy sources that are not yet on the horizon. These may work out, and a great deal of research and development is being pursued, as it should, but we cannot assume success and relax other efforts.

The worsening projections about future climate conditions also mean that we will need to build more infrastructure to adapt to those conditions—sea walls, larger drainage systems, elevated buildings and roads, and much else. We may also need to build new cities and expand old ones to accommodate those who are displaced from drowning coastlines, parched lands, and forests that have become tinderboxes. This may be millions or tens of millions of Americans, without doing anything for the far greater numbers of people in other countries who will be displaced in large part because of historical emissions from the United States.

There are many impediments grounded in law to achieving this level of wind and solar and the needed adaptation infrastructure. Each one could become, if not a veto point, a cause of years of delay that can kill a project, or a specter that keeps it from serious consideration in the first place.

Local zoning and building codes are high on the list. So are various federal statutes—the Endangered Species Act and other species protection laws; the National Environmental Policy Act and its state equivalents, with all of their procedural intricacies; and the wetlands and coastal protections in Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. We also have the laws protecting public lands and marine habitat. Concerns of environmental justice communities and Indigenous peoples must be considered. Labor and human rights conditions along the supply chains must be addressed. Property rights and trade protections will play important roles.

Each of these factors is entirely legitimate. Each has its own strong constituency that understandably does not want to budge on its particular issues. But cumulatively they contribute to preventing us from building what is needed at the pace and scale essential to address the climate crisis. So do many other financial, engineering, labor, supply chain, and other considerations. When all this is added up, it is difficult to imagine how the United States can build the renewables capacity needed to come even close to our temperature targets.

The Inflation Reduction Act, which President Biden signed on August 16, provides for approximately $370 billion over the next decade in energy and climate spending, including tax credits that will make it much less expensive to build renewables and other elements of clean energy infrastructure. The law provides a great deal of money for agencies to hire staff or consultants to prepare environmental impact assessments and to process applications, but otherwise it does little to clear away the obstacles to all this construction. The deal between Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Chuck Schumer (D-NY) that allowed the passage of the law also included the enactment this fall of separate “permitting reform” legislation; the inevitable fight over that bill will feature loudly competing voices on how much needs to be given to the fossil fuel industry, and what environmental procedures need to be relaxed in exchange for an easier path for clean energy.

This brings me to my point. Rather than climate denial, the environmental community has tradeoff denial. We don’t recognize that it’s too late to preserve everything we consider precious, and to linger in making decisions. Society has run out of time to save everything we want to save, and to mull things over for years. Had the emissions curves peaked and started falling in the 1980s, when an increasing number of scientists were trying to sound the alarm about climate change, we might not have been forced into these tough choices. But that didn’t happen; we squandered the time. We have to acknowledge that we need to be in an era of triage, where we save what we can but recognize that there are things we’ll have to give up.

The United States has a special obligation to accelerate the clean energy transition—we have the world’s greatest financial and technological resources, our per capita greenhouse gas emissions are much higher than those of almost any other country, and our cumulative emissions and consequent climate damage are still the world’s largest.

All this leads me to what will certainly be a number of very unpopular suggestions.

One of the things I’d like to put on the table for debate is that sometimes we need to intrude into the critical habitat of an endangered species if that habitat is where we need to put our wind farms, solar arrays, transmission lines to carry the power, or the mines to extract essential minerals for the manufacture of the new clean energy equipment. We should certainly look for sites with the smallest impacts and also strive to mitigate the impacts that remain. But if despite reasonable measures some birds, bats, or plants will die as a result of building the necessary clean energy projects, that is the hard choice we need to make. Because if we don’t make this choice, far more birds, bats, and much else will die from the ravages of climate change.

We will need to give up some scenic mountain and ocean vistas. It’s wonderful to look at unadorned nature, but the best places for wind turbines are where winds are strongest, such as on top of ridge lines or off the coasts. I would rather see wind turbines on the horizon than know that coastal cities are drowning and millions of acres of human and species habitat are flooded or on fire. The wind and solar facilities in the Princeton scenario could be visible from an area the size of Texas and California combined; if we are precluded from putting these turbines and panels anywhere that people can see them, we’re totally sunk.

We also need to find ways for NEPA to take a lot less than the current average of 4.5 years to go through the environmental impact statement process. (The first section of the New York City subway system was built in less time.) The average approval time for new transmission lines (without which many wind and solar farms are useless) now exceeds 10 years. EISs shouldn’t have to rival War and Peace in length.

We also need to re-examine the demand for local consent. My work has found that in nearly each of the 50 states, cities and towns have enacted zoning or building laws to block renewables. (That’s why in 2019 I founded the Renewable Energy Legal Defense Initiative, which provides pro bono legal assistance to community groups and others that favor wind and solar but that are facing local opposition.) We have to preempt a lot of these laws that block renewables—in other words, to allow a higher level of government to nullify restrictions imposed by a lower level. New York adopted a law in 2020 giving the state sole authority to approve utility-scale wind and solar projects; Albany needs to consider local restrictions but does not have to follow them. New York had adopted a prior law in 2011 on renewables siting, but no project was approved under that law until 2018. Since the enactment of the new law, New York has approved 17 projects; few required going against local restrictions, but the hanging sword of that possibility no doubt sped up some of the projects, as did other expedited procedures under the law. California adopted a similar law last summer.

We also can’t afford to spend years negotiating every project until everyone is happy. To meet our renewables targets, we will need to reform public participation (important as it is) to keep it from paralyzing clean energy development until some elusive form of consensus is reached. And while it may be desirable to compensate neighbors who suffer losses as a result of these projects, this should not be asymmetric; clean energy projects should not have to pay for their negative externalities while (in the absence of a carbon tax) fossil fuel projects do not.

So I think we need to have a serious conversation about what does and does not survive the triage that we must undertake. What do we absolutely, positively have to preserve regardless of everything, and what might we have to sacrifice? These are tough and painful choices. There is no objective, right answer. It depends on a series of normative judgments. We environmental professionals will not be the ones making those judgments, but we can influence them. At a minimum, when there is an important clean energy or climate adaptation project that has some negative impacts and we know how to block or delay it using the environmental laws we have mastered, maybe we should instead refrain from doing that, and get out of the way. When an agency official is curious about some possible obscure impact, maybe she shouldn’t insist that the environmental impact statement study it, and perhaps the courts should excuse the absence.

For many years much of my law practice included litigating against things like highways, landfills, and incinerators. I used to say that I never met an EIS that I couldn’t sue. But the worm has turned. The task before us now is to quickly build a massive amount of clean energy and climate adaptation infrastructure. For these sorts of projects, we need to set aside our tools of obstruction (though of course we should continue using them against fossil fuel projects that have clean substitutes).

This is not all about making sacrifices. The needed energy transition will confer many benefits in addition to slashing greenhouse gas emissions and helping to solve the climate crisis. It will also lessen the conventional air pollution that takes millions of lives globally every year, and the water pollution from many forms of fossil fuel extraction. It will reduce reliance on imported fuels and on the countries that produce them, such as Russia and Saudi Arabia. It will cut down the use of fuels whose prices can fluctuate wildly; high energy prices are one of the core causes of today’s inflation. It will create many jobs; according to the Princeton study, the all-renewables scenario would lead to a net increase of about five million jobs in the United States (after subtracting the jobs lost in fossil fuel industries— mostly gasoline station employees).

I think we also need to set aside a number of illusions about easy solutions that appear to be just around the corner but actually allow us to avoid tough choices such as those mentioned above.

In theory, we could create much of the renewable electricity capacity we need by putting solar panels on rooftops, parking lots, and similar surfaces. In reality only a small fraction of building owners, especially homeowners, will put panels on their roofs, certainly if they have to pay for it themselves up front. We can require new structures to have them, but there is little discussion of mandating their placement on existing buildings that are otherwise not undergoing major work. Cumbersome local approval processes also stand in the way. (In Australia, these installations can be approved online in as little as a day; in the United States it can take months.) Abandoned agricultural and mined land may have greater potential, if it is available for sale and otherwise physically suitable, and solar panels can be floated on reservoirs (“floatovoltaics”). So far at least, “distributed” solar costs around three times as much as utility-scale solar for the same generating capacity, so choices are needed about what to subsidize.

In theory, a price could be put on carbon that will percolate through the economy and transform our energy and consumption patterns; but in reality our political leaders are spooked by increases in the price of gasoline and electricity, and there is little if any indication that they’ll ever agree to impose a carbon price—certainly not one of the magnitude that economists say is necessary to do the job, despite protestations by advocates that the carbon revenues can be distributed in ways that can offset the pocketbook impact. The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 demonstrates that Congress is all about carrots, not sticks—and not a single Republican member of the House or the Senate voted for even the carrots.

In theory, we could shut down our existing nuclear power plants even though they are operating well, and replace them with renewables and efficiency. In reality, whenever we’ve shut down a nuclear power plant, its electricity has mostly been replaced by natural gas. And much of the new renewables that have been brought on line aren’t able to aid in decarbonization since they’re having to stand in for a reactor that, until it was shut down, was a close to zero-carbon power source.

In theory, we could avoid having to build hundreds of millions of electric cars (with all the minerals needed to build them and the electricity to run them) by switching to mass transit and bicycles. In reality, mass transit and bicycles are wonderful in parts of some cities, but in few suburbs and almost no rural areas, where the densities are too low to support transit and the distances are too great for bicycles except for the hardiest (though the new generation of electric bikes certainly helps). There are many reasons to try to achieve greater densities (reducing racial segregation, improving affordability, consuming less land, encouraging physical activity through more walking and biking), but that is a campaign that has already been fought for decades and has its own withering battles with limited success. In sum, we can reduce the number of car trips, but there are real limits.

After Pearl Harbor, Congress gave immense powers to the War Production Board, and U.S. industry mobilized with stunning speed to produce the airplanes, tanks, and other materiel needed to win the war. But very few Americans were standing in the way. Indeed, the era saw unprecedented unity, and people of all kinds joined the war effort, including women and racial minorities who had previously been excluded from many roles. Unfortunately, today we have a major political party doing everything it can to block action on climate change. Anti-renewables organizations have sprung up, and right-wing media are amplifying their false messages.

Several academics have written about what we need to do to speed up the process. Among them are J.B. Ruhl, Jim Salzman, Jeff Thaler, Alexandra Klass, John Dernbach, Uma Outka, and John Ruple. Some of the suggestions that have emerged are more federal preemption of state and local control over renewables and transmission; more centralized decisionmaking, not just coordination, so that individual agencies can’t hold things up; broader allowance of mitigation when adverse impacts are found; and extensive use of eminent domain, especially for transmission lines.

We could have more use of programmatic EISs (which cover multiple similar projects, not just one) and regional assessments of species habitat and historic sites (necessarily accompanied by considerably greater agency staffing to do all of this) so that individual projects within the studied regions can move quickly. We should also adopt standard assessment and mitigation measures and permit conditions, so that the wheel doesn’t have to be reinvented and renegotiated every time, and impose tighter timelines for project reviews, with default approvals if those timelines are exceeded. Congress could provide for limits on judicial review, perhaps requiring all challenges to projects to be brought in the D.C. Circuit on the administrative record, with a short statute of limitations. Early engagement with disadvantaged communities, tribal governments and Indigenous peoples has also been found to be helpful.

A major challenge is that, in the hands of a pro-fossil fuel president or Congress, most of these tools could as readily be used to hasten the approval of dirty as well as clean energy projects. This further highlights the central importance of electoral politics in addressing the climate crisis.

We can’t afford any more obstacles. I think it’s incumbent on all of us who do understand the frightening magnitude of the climate threat to work to clear the path for the energy transformation we need.

There are some models of laws that have achieved speedy approvals for certain kinds of projects—the Telecommunications Act of 1996 for cell phone towers; the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1990; the Second War Powers Act of 1942. Whatever it is, I believe we need to move forward in this fashion, and not just plod along with business-as-usual environmental regulation toward a world of killing heat and mass human migration and species extinction. We need to end tradeoff denial. TEF

COVER STORY 2 It’s too late to protect everything. To save the climate, we need to build so much wind and solar that some will go in bad places. Not doing so would be much worse. Rather than climate denial, the environmental community has tradeoff denial.

Gutting Laws Won’t Speed Renewables
Kassie Siegel - Center for Biological Diversity
Center for Biological Diversity
Current Issue
Parent Article

The rapid buildout of clean, renewable energy is essential to addressing the climate crisis, but weakening environmental laws to do it is wrongheaded and dangerous. Bedrock laws like the National Environmental Policy Act and the Endangered Species Act are not barriers to renewable energy but vital tools to build it effectively and responsibly to scale. Weakening the laws that protect our air, water, and wildlife would not only cause great harm but also fail to boost the renewables we need.

While the construction of major new infrastructure and industrial-scale renewable projects is undeniably challenging, in most cases environmental requirements aren’t the primary cause of delay. For example, the Palen Solar project in California is often cited for its lengthy approval process. But it was delayed by the developer’s choice to pursue a technology that couldn’t compete with photovoltaic systems with integrated batteries. After two bankruptcies and a change to photovoltaic solar panels, the project was quickly approved and is now fully operational.

Most large renewable energy projects are consistently approved on time without shortcutting NEPA. For years these projects have been eligible under the Federal Permitting Council and the Fast-41 Act for expedited review and approval. The Biden administration has added a Permitting Action Plan that would help further fast-track clean energy projects—with environmental protections. And only 1 out of every 450 NEPA reviews is challenged in court.

There’s no need to short circuit NEPA to speed approval of renewables. The Biden administration just needs to fully implement the tools it already has and give agencies the resources to get it done. It should also shift resources spent approving new fossil fuel projects that are “moral and economic madness” toward renewables.

Nor does the Endangered Species Act actually prevent renewable energy development. On the contrary, these projects are routinely built in the habitat of endangered species, killing many imperiled creatures. But because of the law, which has prevented the extinction of 99 percent of species listed to date, far worse wildlife harm has been avoided.

To responsibly scale up renewable energy, we need more Endangered Species Act compliance, not less. The law can help steer these projects away from endangered species habitat toward areas like depleted farmland, where they’ll do little damage and can even provide environmental benefits.

The real barriers to renewable buildout are decades-long disinformation and obstruction campaigns from fossil fuel and utility companies. They have produced many state and local laws that particularly choke off the development of rooftop solar.

Eliminating these perverse anti-solar laws should be the top legislative priority to accelerate renewable energy and realize the many benefits of distributed energy generation.

A recent study showed that distributed energy paired with storage avoided summer blackouts in California in 2020 and winter blackouts in Texas in 2021, highlighting the importance of distributed energy to keep the lights on in disasters. Building rooftop solar faster will also reduce the need for transmission lines—among the most complex and challenging projects—and save energy lost in moving electricity.

Eliminating renewable-resistant laws pushed by the fossil fuel industry may seem harder than targeting environmental laws, but it’s what will actually work.

In the meantime President Biden doesn’t need to wait for Congress. He should declare an emergency and use untapped executive powers to speed deployment of renewables. Using laws like the Defense Production Act and Stafford Act, the president can grow domestic energy manufacturing. By using the substantial fiscal tools provided, he can spur distributed energy buildout in the communities hardest hit by the climate crisis and air pollution.

While it’s cloaked in bipartisan appeal, “streamlining permits” is greenwashing code for gutting bedrock environmental protections. But it won’t work, it distracts from real solutions, and it will benefit only the oil, gas, and coal industries that knowingly caused the climate crisis and continue to block solutions.

NEPA Means Better Agency Decisions
Edward Boling - Perkins Coie LLP
Perkins Coie LLP
Current Issue
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Consistent ;with its stated purposes, NEPA implements national environmental policy, and its regime for environmental impact assessment provides a remarkably stable framework for a transparent, evidence-based public process for agency decisions. An eloquent statute, NEPA has straightforward implementing regulations that were developed by the Council on Environmental Quality as directed by President Carter, updated as directed by President Trump, and amended as part of President Biden’s regulatory review to restore (so far) three aspects of the Carter rules.

It remains the centerpost of interagency coordination for efficient implementation of all applicable environmental laws. It ensures that federal departments are not working at cross purposes with states, tribes, local governments, and the myriad of stakeholders in civil society. When implemented by competent professionals with support from agency leadership, the NEPA process can help to resolve or reduce the conflicts that may be inevitable when the federal government makes decisions, such as allowing the use of public land for renewable energy generation and transmission.

Every day, in hundreds of decisionmaking processes around the government, the NEPA process provides the authority and mandates for federal agencies to collaborate with stakeholders who would be affected, and consider alternatives that avoid, minimize, or compensate for real environmental impacts. Most of these decisions are improved through the NEPA process and never litigated—an indicator of this law’s success that otherwise defies easy measurement—and agencies that use the process well are prepared for going to court if it cannot be avoided. CEQ’s survey of NEPA litigation found that agencies are infrequently sued and win the majority of claims brought against them.

So, what’s so controversial about a statute that promotes harmony with our environment, informed decisions, and conflict resolution? Objections focus on the time it can take. In 2020, CEQ found that across all federal agencies, the median environmental impact statement completion time from “Notice of Intent” to “Record of Decision” was 3.5 years and that the majority of that time was spent producing a draft EIS for public review. In its 2020 rulemaking, CEQ established a presumptive two-year goal for EISs and a one-year goal for environmental assessments, with provisions for oversight of the process by senior officials to ensure that their agencies’ NEPA activities get the prioritization, resources, and resolution of issues that they need to make a final decision.

Time alone is no measure of success of a decisionmaking process. Some projects are revealed to be fundamentally flawed through the NEPA procedure. Approximately 25 percent of the 2010 Notices of Intent to prepare an EIS had yet to result in a draft by 2020, indicating that one in four EISs that started “scoping” were postponed or abandoned. If the reason the decisionmaking process takes so long is because the proposed action has serious technical, economic, or political problems, blame should not be placed on NEPA.

Yet in response to demands for faster decisions, this foundational statute has become a convenient foil. For example, in 2018 the Department of Transportation was scheduled to release its final EIS for the Hudson River tunnel project. NEPA analysis of the “No Action” alternative showed the dire need for replacement of the freight and passenger rail tunnel. But due to a political dispute over federal funding, the final EIS was delayed for years. The lead agency official involved in the project blamed the NEPA process.

Unfortunately, blaming NEPA for the challenges of decisionmaking on major infrastructure projects is a convenient—but ultimately anti-democratic—way to avoid agency accountability. Experience shows that this law is effective in highlighting and minimizing environmental impacts, and that effective agency leaders can follow the law in a timely manner.

Cut the Red Tape
Mario Loyola - Florida International University Law School
Florida International University Law School
Current Issue
Cut the Red Tape

The United States has the world’s most costly, time-consuming, and unpredictable system for authorizing big infrastructure projects. It puts America at a grave competitive disadvantage compared with other industrial powers, including China. The social costs are enormous and are passed on to consumers, who must ultimately pay a premium for elevated risk and constricted supply. It deprives Americans of affordable energy, adequate roadways, and even safe drinking water.

And if you think the climate crisis is “code red for humanity,” as President Biden has said, the hard truth is this: Until Congress reforms the entire permitting system, the goal of a clean energy transition is almost certainly unachievable.

Consider the staggering amount of infrastructure that would be required to meet the administration’s goal of a zero-carbon electricity grid by 2035: scores of new nuclear plants, hundreds or thousands of new utility-scale solar plants, tens of thousands of windmills, hundreds of thousands of miles of transmission lines. Under current law and given agency workforce constraints, securing permits for all those projects in time to finish, or in some cases even to start, construction before 2035 is simply a fantasy.

Congress has appropriated nearly $2 trillion for “green” infrastructure. But money is not the limiting factor in America’s ability to deploy major infrastructure projects. The crucial limiting factor today—and the main obstacle to a clean energy transition going forward—is the massive amount of federal agency resources consumed by the struggle to comply with the National Environmental Policy Act in a context of inordinate litigation risk.

Section 102(2)(C) of NEPA requires agencies to prepare an environmental impact statement for any “major federal actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment.” Any federal permit required for a major infrastructure project usually triggers the requirement of an EIS.

According to a recent survey by the White House Council on Environmental Quality, which was created by NEPA to oversee its implementation, the preparation of a typical EIS takes on average 4.5 years, consumes tens of thousands of agency person-hours, and costs millions of dollars in taxpayer resources. That’s on the top of the tens of millions an EIS can cost project proponents. So even with the most lavishly funded bureaucracy on Earth, the entire federal government produces at most 75 or 80 final EISs every year. That pace is woefully short of what is needed to reach the 2035 zero-carbon goal.

To give some sense of what this looks like on the ground, the Bureau of Land Management’s Nevada State Office, where dozens of solar projects would have to be evaluated, is totally overwhelmed by the effort to complete one EIS every year or two. The Nevada office has issued a “Prioritization Guidance” to help it select the small handful of applications its staff can handle over the next couple of years from among the flood of solar permit applications.

By the time Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Chuck Schumer (D-NY) agreed to streamline permitting as a side-deal to the Inflation Reduction Act, the 117th Congress had not done much of anything to lay the political groundwork for sweeping reform. Not surprisingly, what emerged from the deal was a potpourri of disconnected measures responding in most cases to the demands of narrow special interest groups and falling far short of what would be required for a clean energy transition by 2035. Even with the most dire stakes imaginable, the most that policymakers have been able to accomplish is tinkering at the margins.

Any serious effort to undertake a clean energy transition must start with a close look at the staggering amount of clean energy infrastructure that would be required. The next step is to wrap one’s head around the frightful tangle of red tape that turns the federal permitting process for most such projects into a years-long odyssey. That exercise sheds light on some of what Congress will have to do if it ever gets serious about the obstacles to a clean energy transition.

There are many estimates of the power capacity additions that would be required for a net-zero energy sector, most of them in the same general ballpark. For example, the Electric Power Research Institute estimates that to achieve a zero-carbon electrical system by 2035, the grid would need to add 900 gigawatts of new wind and solar, 80 GW of new nuclear capacity (doubling current nuclear capacity nationwide), and 200 GW of hydrogen-fueled turbines.

Many estimates don’t mention nuclear at all. That’s because powerful environmental advocacy groups remain adamantly opposed to it, which may also explain why Democrats have put virtually no effort into advancing nuclear power. That is a major obstacle to the clean energy transition in itself, because most scenarios aim to replace the “dispatchable” baseload generation of coal and natural gas plants with intermittent wind and solar, creating significant challenges for reliability and capacity. Utility-scale batteries, smart grids, and similar technologies have come a long way but the challenge of intermittency is why prominent international authorities call for a doubling and even tripling of nuclear power around the world for any chance of meeting the Paris Agreement’s goal of limiting warming to no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius.

The American nuclear fleet is dwindling and there are no plans to build any new nuclear plants in the United States. But even if there were, they couldn’t be part of the clean electricity mix in EPRI’s estimate. The permitting timeline for nuclear is the longest of any infrastructure sector. A nuclear reactor due to open in Georgia in the next couple of years started its odyssey through the federal permitting process in 2006, after many years of project design and development. Nuclear regulatory reform is urgently needed, but Congress has done virtually nothing about it.

One notably optimistic review of 11 studies of non-nuclear pathways to clean electricity by 2030 and 2035, by Energy Innovation LLC, shows a consistent estimate across studies of about one terawatt of solar and wind, plus 100 GW of battery storage. That review notes that this would require an average annual deployment of new renewable energy capacity at double or triple the record rate of 31 GW of wind and solar additions in 2020, “a challenging but feasible pace of development.”

The authors don’t elaborate on why they think that would be “feasible,” perhaps because they have been spared the trials and tribulations of going through the NEPA process. But it isn’t feasible—not remotely. Since the early Obama administration, federal agencies have strained to streamline their permitting processes and increase throughput. They are virtually at the limit of the streamlining that current law will allow without leaving their permits and NEPA reviews vulnerable to court challenge.

As many experts have noted, the fear of litigation risk is the main source of cost, delay, and uncertainty in the NEPA process. It is also the crucial limiting factor in the clean energy transition. Litigation risk has the entire federal bureaucracy backed up against a wall, struggling to produce permits and EISs that are perfect in every last detail, whether relevant to the agency decisionmaker or not. (The statutory purpose of NEPA, incidentally, is to inform the agency decisionmaker.) This means that without changes in the law, the only way to double or triple the pace of permitting at federal agencies is by doubling or tripling the size of the federal workforce involved in project reviews.

Reliable estimates are hard to come by, but a reasonable guess is that on the order of 10,000 federal agency staff spend most of their time involved in processing permit applications for infrastructure projects. To get a sense of how much the federal permitting bureaucracy would have to grow, let’s take a look at the most significant increase in that workforce produced in the entire 117th Congress, namely the Inflation Reduction Act’s provision of nearly $1 billion to increase permitting staff over five years, including $350 million for an Environmental Review Improvement Fund at the Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council, which was created under the 2015 Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act to coordinate the permitting of major infrastructure projects. This massive boost in funding would add perhaps five or six hundred full-time equivalents to that workforce. That’s an increase of maybe five percent, assuming agencies can find and train qualified personnel in this highly technical field quickly enough. The added staff would significantly help with the current backlog of applications, but the total would fall woefully short of the needed doubling of personnel.

As unrealistic as it is to think that we could double the size of the federal permitting workforce quickly enough to make a difference, there is yet another problem with Energy Innovation’s hopeful estimates. Its calculation of the required increase in average permitting pace presupposes a time horizon of 10 or 15 years, depending on whether we’re looking at 2030 or 2035. But that doesn’t take any account of the actual timeline for deploying infrastructure projects, which entails several years of preapplication and has to be followed by several years of actual construction.

Between the bookends of preapplication and construction, permitting time for solar projects, according to the Solar Energy Industry Association, can be between three and five years. That means that to achieve net-zero by 2030 is already impossible: Projects that begin pre-application in this coming year generally won’t be coming online until 2030 at the earliest. And even for a clean electricity transition to occur by 2035, all the projects necessary for a roughly one terawatt addition of renewable electricity would have to finish pre-application and file their permits by 2027 at the latest. Then all those permits would have to be processed and the environmental reviews completed within three or four years. Hence the effective permitting window for a clean energy transition by 2035 is 2025-2032, a period of just seven years, not 15 as in the Energy Innovation’s estimates.

So during that main wave of permit processing and environmental review, the processing rate would have to be at least four times the rate of the record year of 2020, and perhaps significantly faster than that. In other words, Congress would have to at least quadruple or quintuple the size of the federal permitting workforce.

Now consider the hurdles facing the actual projects. Taking solar as an example, most studies suggest that the United States would have to add on the order of 500 GW of utility solar capacity. Suppose that each solar project in that total is very large, with a nameplate capacity of 500 MW. Adding 500 GW of solar capacity would require 1,000 such projects. Judging by the largest currently in operation, each such solar project would cover perhaps 5,000 acres, for a total of 5,000,000 acres. That’s the entire state of New Jersey—covered in solar panels.

Many of those solar projects won’t require federal permits at all, particularly if they aren’t built on federal land. But where the sun shines for 365 days a year is in the deserts and high plains of the western states—where the federal government owns virtually all the land. And every solar project built on federal land requires its own permit and its own EIS.

The NEPA process is tailor made for NIMBY-ism. “Scoping” allows local opponents to lodge issues that agencies must explore at length, and which can later be litigated. Each solar project application entails political trauma for regional agency staff and often for the agency headquarters as well. Worse still, covering an area the size of New Jersey with solar panels will have a myriad of environmental consequences, each of which must be studied in detail and avoided, minimized, or mitigated if possible—and many of which might impel the reasonable conservationist to ask, “Is this really worth it?” Anyone who has seen the leach fields for disposal of lithium batteries, where birds die within seconds of alighting, should wonder.

Then those solar and wind projects need to be connected to the grid by a network of new transmission lines. Linear projects such as transmission towers and pipelines are among the most resource-intensive permits for agencies to process. That’s because linear projects trigger permit requirements—and fierce local opposition—all along their route. All of this slows the already slow permitting process to a crawl. To give one example, the Transwest Express Transmission Line, running for 700 miles and with a capacity of 3 GW, was designed to transmit wind power from Wyoming to Nevada and California. It took 15 years to get the permits required for construction to begin.

The clean energy transition will entail transmission lines on a scale that most Americans can’t imagine. Wind and solar must be built where the wind blows and the sun shines, not where consumers are. Hence each megawatt of renewable capacity will require orders of magnitude more transmission line miles than each megawatt requires currently, and average length will grow exponentially as developers go looking further and further afield from their target markets for suitable sites. According to a National Academies report, the net-zero 2050 goals would require construction of one million miles of transmission lines by 2050.

Given the much longer lead times on transmission lines compared to renewable energy power plants, it’s easy to see another looming problem: solar plants sitting idle in the middle of nowhere for years on end, waiting for transmission lines to arrive. Indeed this is already happening, as in the case of the Cardinal-Hickory Creek transmission project in Iowa and Wisconsin.

A series of interrelated structural problems combine to create inordinate delays, costs, and uncertainties for infrastructure projects. Of those impacts the worst by far is uncertainty, the major source of risk to capital formation and hence a principal source of the significant social losses caused by the NEPA process.

Unfortunately, that uncertainty has many sources, most important of which is litigation risk, which maximizes the amount of time and resources agencies devote to processing permit applications out of all proportion to the environmental costs and benefits at stake.

The uncertainty begins with the inordinate litigation risk that hangs like a cloud over every EIS from the start. The problem has been years in the making. It started in the 1970s, with the invention of Court-ordered “hard look” NEPA review, which along with Chevron deference—another decision, requiring courts to favor agency positions where statutes are unclear—a few years later turned the standards of review spelled out in Section 706 of the Administrative Procedure Act upside down. (Where Section 706 specifies that courts are to review questions of law de novo and set aside agency actions only if they are “arbitrary and capricious,” courts now defer to agencies on questions of law and second guess agency findings on technical matters that judges struggle to understand at all.)

A related problem is that there is no doctrine of substantial performance or materiality: An agency may get an EIS 99.9 percent perfect, but if it forgot to study the habitat needs of the butterfly that one person casually mentioned in a town hall meeting during scoping—boom, permit vacated. Agencies have to think of literally everything, because the omission of one paragraph in a 1,000-page document could be “arbitrary and capricious.” The purpose of NEPA is to inform the decisionmaker, which creates an implied standard of materiality for every impact and alternative under consideration. Alas, federal courts have combined with the CEQ regulation of NEPA to require agencies to study impacts well upstream and downstream of the project—even if those impacts are entirely in the control of other governments, in much greater detail than is remotely relevant to the permitting decision. And because of the loose wording of the NEPA regulations, agencies devote hundreds of pages in EISs to studying alternatives to the proposed project when what the statute requires is consideration of alternatives to the proposed action, which in the case of an infrastructure project is just the up-or-down permitting decision.

It’s no surprise that agencies only win about 70 percent of cases in court. Defenders of NEPA tout this as evidence that agencies prevail “most of the time” so litigation isn’t that big a deal, but in reality it’s an atrocious figure, considering the endless time and resources agencies devote to complying with every last detail that the law might require. District courts face a similar rate of reversal on appeal, but of course only a tiny fraction of judgments get appealed, whereas the litigation risk for a final EIS is virtually 100 percent. And district courts don’t spend 4.5 years, tens of thousands of hours, and millions of dollars trying to make absolutely certain that they get everything right, and thankfully so because if they did you’d have a complete breakdown in the administration of justice—an apt description of NEPA litigation.

Many judges appear to be operating on an unstated and perhaps unconscious premise that environmental advocacy groups represent the public interest but agencies do not. This manifests in a damaging relaxation of procedural protections that defendants normally enjoy. Courts have bent over backwards to confer standing on virtually anyone who wants to oppose a project. NEPA creates no right of action, so courts had to find one in the stopgap enforcement provision of the APA. That requires “legal harm” for standing, but courts look past that for environmental advocacy groups, by resort to the “zone of interest” theory of “procedural standing,” piling one ancillary stopgap on another. So if you go boating on a lake you have standing to sue FERC over a transmission line that will be partly visible from the lake, despite that the transmission line is urgently needed to connect a small city to a renewable power source that is sitting idle after $100 million of investment.

Once in court, the red carpet treatment continues. When asking for a preliminary injunction, a plaintiff must normally post a bond to protect the defendant against losses resulting from the injunction should the plaintiff ultimately lose. Courts waive that for environmental litigants, because of the “public interest.” And when it comes time to balance the equities in granting the injunction, courts give short shrift to the public interest in effective agency action, or ignore it entirely. Indeed, in the 9th Circuit, stopping a project is considered to cause no harm to the agency because ipso facto stopping a project won’t harm the environment—as if environmental losses are the only losses we need to worry about when deciding to stop an infrastructure project of urgent national importance, where developers have invested tens or hundreds of millions of dollars.

Another major problem is the very existence of the CEQ regulation of NEPA, which dramatically increases the litigation target area of every project review. This is a fascinating issue, because CEQ has no rulemaking authority. The regulation is arguably nothing more than an executive order, like E.O. 12866, which establishes the Office of Management and Budget rulemaking process for federal agencies. Teleporting the “legal harm” and “procedural standing” doctrines into a document that creates no private rights or obligations, courts have transformed the CEQ regulation into a compendium of legally enforceable requirements. Hundreds of federal permits have been vacated by courts because of agencies’ failures to comply with supposed NEPA requirements that are not in the statute and that were invented by CEQ out of thin air. But without foundation in delegated rulemaking authority, the regulation of NEPA is just a set of directives to agency heads. Presidential directives such as executive orders have never been considered enforceable de jure and draw the entirety of their compelling force from the president’s removal power, which does not extend to independent agencies like FERC. In the key NEPA case of Public Citizen v. Department of Transportation, Justice Clarence Thomas wrote that “CEQ was established by NEPA with authority to issue regulations interpreting it,” but the statute doesn’t say that anywhere, and it’s simply not true. Plus, even if courts defer to the council’s statutory interpretations, it’s another thing entirely for CEQ to use purely presidential directive authority to instruct an agency to discuss “cumulative impacts” (a concept nowhere to be found in the statute) and then have courts treat that directive as if it were legally enforceable in a lawsuit brought by a private party. It’s the exact equivalent of the president instructing federal staff to observe a business dress code and a private citizen suing because some agencies have casual Friday.

Another major problem with the permitting process is the hydra-headed nature of agency permitting authorities. The description is not totally apt because the hydra at least had a single body, whereas the permitting processes of federal agencies are almost completely disconnected—despite manifold interdependencies. Efforts by multiple administrations to establish a coordinated process quickly run up against the reality of statutory structure, a problem that only Congress can fix. The CEQ regulation’s provisions on a “lead agency” to prepare a single NEPA document in coordination with “cooperating agencies” doesn’t relieve the project developer of basically having to create an interagency process from scratch among a bunch of agencies that often couldn’t care less what the developer has to say on any subject.

A related problem is the fact that agencies take it on themselves to prepare environmental documents that the developer could prepare instead, much faster and just as well, subject to agency verification and approval, as is done in Australia for example. That is one of the most important changes in the 2020 Trump revisions to NEPA, which were partly pulled back by the Biden administration to placate environmental advocacy groups, despite the fact that renewable energy companies were the disproportionate beneficiaries of the Trump reform.

The problems I’ve described create a mountain of obstacles to any clean energy transition, and only Congress can remove them. Although polls show significant public concern with the effects of climate change, the issue is not the most important for most Americans, who are primarily worried about inflation and other issues. Perhaps that explains why Congress has failed thus far to enact comprehensive reforms of the sort that would be needed for a successful clean energy transition. TEF

COVER STORY I The federal project review process is a daunting obstacle to any clean energy transition. Until Congress reforms the entire permitting system, the goal of a renewable energy economy is almost certainly beyond reach.

FAQs on the NEPA Scoping Process
Date Released
July 2017

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is a law that requires federal agencies to examine the environmental impacts of their proposed activities. Under NEPA, if a federal action is likely to “significantly affect” the environment, the agency must prepare a detailed Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) before taking any action. This document addresses frequently asked questions about the NEPA scoping process. 

Public Participation in the Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion: NEPA and NRDA
Date Released
April 2022

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District, is seeking comment on the draft environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion (MBSD) restoration project. If approved, the MBSD would reconnect the Mississippi River to Louisiana’s Barataria Basin and, through the controlled release of sediment-laden freshwater from the river, allow sediment and nutrients to flow into the basin with the goal of restoring wetlands and slowing the rate of coastal land loss.