Green Cleaning in Schools:

Developments in State and Local Policy


Chicago Public Schools

(approx. 421,000 students, 623 schools)

Citation: Chicago Public Schools Board of Education, Chicago Public Schools Policy Manual § 410.8 - Green Cleaning Policy (2005) (one-page document)

Effective: September 2005

Green Cleaning in Schools:

Developments in State and Local Policy


Boston (MA) Public School District

(approx. 57,000 students and 144 schools)

Citation: Boston Public Schools, Superintendent’s Circular #FMT-12: Green Cleaners Policy

Effective: April 2007

Summary: The Green Cleaners Policy establishes Boston Public Schools’ commitment to purchasing green cleaning products, implementing best practices and training staff.

Green Cleaning in Schools:

Developments in State and Local Policy


Bellingham (WA) School District

(approx. 10,500 students and 21 schools)

Citation: Bellingham School District, Green Cleaning Policy

Effective: Beginning 2003-2004 school year

Summary: This one-page policy states the district’s commitment to purchasing and using only green cleaning products.