Resources mainly for agencies


List of training resources

Sacred Sites Training

Offered by the Department of Justice, this training video for federal employees and contractors was developed with subject matter experts from across the Federal Government, Indian Country, Academia and Tribal Advocacy Groups. This training was finalized in Fall 2016 with assistance from the Department of Justice’s National Indian Country Training Initiative.

Tribal Affairs Training

This is a landing page on the CalEPA website for recorded training presentations on Tribal sovereignty, cultural sensitivity, and cultural humility.

Tribal Consultation Process and Timeline

This PDF, compiled by the California Office of Planning and Research, provides answers to frequently asked questions about the Tribal consultation processes and timelines for SB 18 and AB 52.

Guide to Tribal Nations, Federal Highway Administration, and Ohio Department of Transportation Consultation in Ohio

Created by the Ohio Department of Transportion, this document serves as guide for tribal and transportation cultural resources staff describing the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) current and future consultation responsibilities and protocols with the federally recognized Indian Tribes with ancestral, historical, and cultural ties to Ohio.

Working Effectively with Tribal Governments

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and American Indian Environmental Office provided this training for EPA employees to provide them with the skills and knowledge to more effectively work with federally recognized tribal governments by introducing terms necessary for understanding EPA’s work with tribal governments and outlining how the Agency develops and maintains an effective working relationship with our tribal government partners. 

Policy Briefs 

List of policy briefs

Improving Tribal Consultation and Tribal Involvement in Federal Infrastructure Decisions

Based on Tribes’ input, this Report (produced jointly by the U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Department of the Army, and U.S. Department of Justice) articulates a set of principles that should inform agency practices in the realm of infrastructure. Among other things, this includes appropriate staffing, training, and resource allocations, as well as guidance as to how Tribal interests should be incorporated into agency decision-making processes in both formal and informal ways.

Best Practices

List of best practices

Best Practices for Identifying and Protecting Tribal Treaty Rights, Reserved Rights, and Other Similar Rights in Federal Regulatory Actions and Federal Decision-Making

The Working Group has prepared this document to outline legal principles and best practices for integrating the consideration of Tribal treaty and reserved rights into agency consultation processes.

Guidance and Responsibilities for Effective Tribal Consultation, Communication, and Engagement: A Guide for Agencies Working with West Coast Tribes on Ocean & Coastal Issues

The Tribal Caucus of the West Coast Ocean Alliance (WCOA) developed this document to serve as a guide to federal and state agencies seeking to engage with Tribal Governments on ocean and coastal issues on the West Coast.

Tribal Consultation Toolkit for Senate Bill 35/Assembly Bill 168

This toolkit provides local governments and project proponents guidance and supporting information for use during tribal consultation under Senate Bill 35/Assembly Bill 168.

Section 106 Consultation: Working with Tribal Historic Preservation Offices

Oklahoma Public Archaeology Network introduces The Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma Historic Preservation Department and offers an engaged discussion about how archaeologists and other professionals can better communicate with Tribal Historic Preservation Offices (THPOs).

AB 52: A CEQA Guidelines Update for Tribal Cultural Resources

This presentation by the California Office of Planning and Research describes the updated CEQA requirements for Tribal Cultural Resources required by Assembly Bill 52.